city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

client:City of Winston-Salem

project:The Grand Pavilion Ballroom and Conference Center

location:Winston-Salem, NC


general contractor:Lomax Construction

square footage:40,000


photographer:Viibe, Renderings by Hayden 3D

viibe revitalizes winston-salem’s grand pavilion ballroom and conference center with a fresh, functional design

Viibe was commissioned by the City of Winston-Salem to revitalize the interiors of the Grand Pavilion Ballroom and Conference Center, situated near The Benton Convention Center. Our task involved reinvigorating the outdated spaces through a refreshed design approach. We revamped the interiors by curating new finishes, crafting custom patterns for expansive carpet tiles, and reimagining existing trim details. Additionally, we carefully selected wall finishes and specialized lighting for the Foyers, Pre-Function area, Meeting Rooms, and Ballrooms. Our focus was on breathing new life into these spaces, enhancing their aesthetic appeal and functionality.

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem

city of winston-salem


city of winston-salem

viibe revitalizes winston-salem’s grand pavilion ballroom and conference center with a fresh, functional design

Viibe was commissioned by the City of Winston-Salem to revitalize the interiors of the Grand Pavilion Ballroom and Conference Center, situated near The Benton Convention Center. Our task involved reinvigorating the outdated spaces through a refreshed design approach. We revamped the interiors by curating new finishes, crafting custom patterns for expansive carpet tiles, and reimagining existing trim details. Additionally, we carefully selected wall finishes and specialized lighting for the Foyers, Pre-Function area, Meeting Rooms, and Ballrooms. Our focus was on breathing new life into these spaces, enhancing their aesthetic appeal and functionality.